Projects supported by Chance e.V.

Since the beginning of our organisation in 1994, we have supported various projects. Here you can find our current projects:
1. Children’s Corner Orphanage, Ambalangoda
… is a children’s home located on a cinnamon plantation, which was built by CHANCE in cooperation with the Norwegian Organisation Mary’s Friends and has been run by both organisations since its founding in 2004. This means: CHANCE and Mary’s Friends pay all the costs for the 25 girls from the age of 4 to 20, for the staff and for the upkeep of the buildings. The younger girls visit the primary school located near the orphanage, the older girls go to the secondary school in Ambalangoda. In the afternoon the girls receive additional lessons in English, Mathematics, Sinhala and Music to provide them with the best possible education.
2. Mount Madonna Girl’s Home, Wahakotte
… is a home for girls from the age of 5 to 20, who are cared for by catholic nuns. It is our responsibility to find each girl a sponsor making to ensure that the costs of living and education are covered. With our donations CHANCE finances necessary additional lessons and general needs such as the building of a fountain, the renovation of the toilets and showers or buying a computer system.
3. Seth Sevana, Career Development Centre, Bolawalana
… is a home for young girls from our children’s homes, who live there for one year to prepare them for their professional and independent lives after leaving school. Together, CHANCE and Mary’s Friends finance the living costs and professional training as well as the teachers’ salaries. The girls become proficient in the English language, in computer skills, in housekeeping and handicrafts, in health care, gardening etc.
4. A.M.V. Aththugawa School, Matara
…is a school on the south coast of Sri Lanka that was due to be closed due to poor facilities and the resulting exodus of pupils.
We have financed urgently needed materials, school uniforms, musical instruments, a printer, a projector and PC equipment for the school. We also provide the children in grades 6-13 with a hot meal every day, as the parents in this poor neighbourhood are unable to do so. The government finances the meals for pupils up to grade 5.
All our activities in Sri Lanka are supervised and controlled by a German woman who has been married to a Singalese man for more than 30 years and has also lived in Sri Lanka since then. She knows the language, she knows the mentality of the people and advises us on our approach.